Author: admin

  • A Paris, of an Appalachia (or How to Go to Hell)

    A Paris, of an Appalachia (or How to Go to Hell)

    On a hypnotherapist’s couch in Pittsburgh: Close your eyes. Maybe a jade owl asked already, but intone it again: “Where are you from?” Never mind the grammarian’s lure, and move the question into the next register: “D’où viens-tu ?” The owl dings in assent. You’ve done it! You’ve asked Paris from Pittsburgh. It’s a promenade…

  • The Green Punctum

    The Green Punctum

    A distorted square luminesces, glides toward me three feet in the air. It contains the vague and rebellious image of a being. “I found a Dani,” Jason says, showing me a blurry iPhone photo of a plant. Beneath the photo is a caption, provided by a plant recognition app: “Guayacan (Guaiacum coulteri)” I am an…

  • in-camera cyanotypes

    in-camera cyanotypes

    varied paperstock. each print the size of a 35mm film negative.

  • andor


    cyanotype on watercolor paper. approximately 8×10 in.

  • spathe


    pair of cyanotype prints. approx. 8×10 in.

  • letter


    A simple imperative: Write a letter one letter at a time, leaving the room after each letter you write. Every letter sent incorporates many sendings: The sending of the writer to herself, to ask what she means to write. The sending of the writer’s thoughts to surfaces digital or analog. The sending of the document…

  • Maria Denolt

    Maria Denolt

    About Maria Denolt In 2012, I began performing as “Maria Denolt,” an art critic, lecturer, “lofty person.” What began as an institutional critique performance project has since become more of an experiment in the relationship between art and the viewer. Awful Love (2022) A tour performance, centered on the 2022 BFA senior thesis exhibition at…

  • palo verde

    palo verde

    [P]lants themselves hardly tend towards the eternal or economical. The oak hoards the ground and sky, putting shadowy hands to the task of strangling upstart sprouts. The same dominating leaves, the source of the tree’s supremacy, are then sucked dry of nutrients and cast off in the shortening autumn days. Bougainvillea, a subtropical garden imperative,…

  • lozenges


    lozenges (2021) The lozenges series of cyanotypes was created through an iterative printing process. Numerous layers of cyanotype chemistry were applied to the paper in rounded rectangles, then exposed and bleached. These works each measure approximately 6.5 by 30 inches, and are cyanotype and clear acrylic medium on archival quality watercolor paper.

  • reply


    reply (2021) To reply is to fold back in. The rectangular shape of these prints mimics the full-length mirror into which I look everyday. A mirror folds together the rules of optics, the qualities of metal and glass, and the phenomenology of vision. I am attempting to use the paper as a space – but…
