Category: essays
Paris, of, Appalachia (or How to Bet on Two Words and Lose)
The Paris of Appalachia is the barest Appalachia, the fairest Appalachia, which is to say the whitest, the lightest, like when someone asks you a question and you can’t bear to speak the answer to the question so you stop breathing and you go all light and dizzy all over, all your vision goes bright…
Law(n) Breakers
In D.S. Vale’s Troy Hill garden, each plant — ideally — does something for pollinating bees or migrating birds; old soil or new fungi; passing commuters or stuck-in neighbors. Part of an expanding number of gardeners who are interested in sustainability, ecology, and native plants, Vale talks about gardening in terms of living alongside, rather…
A Paris, of an Appalachia (or How to Go to Hell)
On a hypnotherapist’s couch in Pittsburgh: Close your eyes. Maybe a jade owl asked already, but intone it again: “Where are you from?” Never mind the grammarian’s lure, and move the question into the next register: “D’où viens-tu ?” The owl dings in assent. You’ve done it! You’ve asked Paris from Pittsburgh. It’s a promenade…
The Green Punctum
A distorted square luminesces, glides toward me three feet in the air. It contains the vague and rebellious image of a being. “I found a Dani,” Jason says, showing me a blurry iPhone photo of a plant. Beneath the photo is a caption, provided by a plant recognition app: “Guayacan (Guaiacum coulteri)” I am an…